Numerai Predictions

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You will receive every week a CSV file containing predictions generated using state-of-the-art machine learning models. The predictions have been uploaded every week during the last few months, you can check the track record here (

The CSV file can be directly submitted to the Numerai tournament ( Submissions will be sent to you over email every weekend between Saturday 12:00 PST and Saturday 22:00 PST. Please note that the deadline for the Numerai tournament submission is Monday at 6:30 PST.

Historical returns

Last 3 months return: 14.44%

Model page:

Terms of Use

These data files are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind and may include technical errors. Seller will not be liable for any incidental or special losses, expenses, or damages.

Distribution and sharing original data files or any new data files based on the original data with other people are PROHIBITED. Uploading original data files or any new data files based on the original data through website (or API) for participation in the competition is ALLOWED.

All memberships include a 1 week free trial

numerai weekly predictions are emailed on saturdays

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$25 a month

Numerai Predictions

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